Warwick provides a full range of valuation services to the residential and lifestyle sectors.
This includes relationship property division, purchase, selling, new home construction, trust planning, deceased estates and insurance for these sectors.
Typically relationship property division involves valuing the family home so as the value can be appropriately split between both parties and is set at the market value at the time.
New home construction requires details inspection on the plans to estimate its’ market value upon completion. During the stages of construction may require interim inspections to pay bills as they fall due. Once again, the value is based upon recent sales in the area of similarly built new homes.
Deceased estates quite often require a valuation in order to assess the value so a reasonably quick sale can be achieved but at market levels. A valuation will inform the beneficiaries or trustees of the level of value so as to accept any offers presented by the agent.
Purchasing a property will sometimes require a valuation for mortgage finance which the bank will use to calculate the necessary lending ratios. We work with all banks to provide this service and am a panel valuer member. We can calculate the replacement cost of your house that includes retaining walls, paths, fencing, garaging and driveways so you are adequately covered for a complete rebuild if the worst should happen.