(Incl Aptmnts)

Number of Sales 238  6 11
Value of Sales $113,150,188  $2,624,700 $1,587,600
Median List Price $400,000  $337,500 $89,500
Median Sell Price $436,750  $399,850 $155,000
Median Days to Sell 23  23 18
Median Govt Valuation $315,000  $375,000 $110,000
Freehold 186  1 6
Leasehold 2 0 0
Existing 238  6 11
New 0 0 0




1 Bdrm

BdrmBdrmBdrm5 Bdrms+
Bedrooms 2 40 117 53 22




Up to 400

400 - 800800 - 1200Over 1200
Land Area (Sq. m. 30 126 42 13